Monday 2 January 2017

Custom_Popup_page_APEX 4.2

Step 1:
 Create a new page with popup template (Page No -2175).
Step 2:
Create 2 region in old (Calling) Page and write the below scripts in region source.
Create Region and copied the below code (Popup_script 1)
function fnGetPopup(Contract_no)
    $x("idDivIFrame").innerHTML = "<center><iframe src='f?p=&APP_ID.:2175:&SESSION.::NO::P2175_CONTRACT_NO:"+Contract_no+"' scrolling='no' height='500' width='450' frameborder='0'></iframe></center>";

Create Region and copied the below code (Popup_script 2)
        position: absolute;  
        background-color: #5B5B5B;  
        left: 0px;  
        top: 0px;  
        z-index: 10000;  
        display: none;  
       background-color: black;  
       filter: alpha(opacity=70);  
       opacity: 0.7;  
<!--input type="button" value="Show Popup" onclick="showPopup();" /-->
 <div id="divg" class="ModalBackground graydiv">    </div>  
   <div id="divSignin" style="border: '1px soild green'; display: none; z-index: 100002;  width: 550px; position: absolute;">  
    <div style="text-align:right;height:100px;width:100px;background-color:White;border:solid 1px lightyellow">  
<div id="idDivTest">
<div id="idDivIFrame"></div>
 <!--input type="button" value="Close Me" onclick="closePopup();" /-->  
//window.onload = showPopup;
    function closePopup()  
            objDiv = document.getElementById("divg");  
   = "none";   
            return false;  
     function showPopup()  
            objDiv = document.getElementById("divg");  
      = "block";   
      = document.body.scrollWidth;  
return false     
function fnSetDivSigninLeft(oElement)  
var DivWidth; 
var DivHeight ;
if ("&P0_OS_BROWSER_INFO.".indexOf("UNIX")==-1)
DivWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById(oElement).offsetWidth,10) ; 
DivHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById(oElement).offsetHeight,10) ;
document.getElementById(oElement).style.left = (document.body.offsetWidth / 2) - (DivWidth / 2)+100;  
document.getElementById(oElement) = (350/ 2) -  ( DivHeight/ 2);   
DivWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById(oElement).offsetWidth,10) ; 
DivHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById(oElement).offsetHeight,10) ;
document.getElementById(oElement).style.left = (document.body.offsetWidth / 2) - (DivWidth / 2)+200;  
document.getElementById(oElement) = (document.body.innerHeight/ 2) -  ( DivHeight/ 2);   
return false;      

Step 3:
call the java script function (fnGetPopup(:input)) wherever you want.
·         Item
·         button

Palani Kumar K

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