SELECT DISTINCT aca.payment_method_lookup_code trans_type,
TO_CHAR (aca.check_number) invoice_num,
TO_CHAR (aca.check_date) invoice_date,
xle.event_type_code ponum_inv_linenum,
ael.currency_code line_desc,
WHEN xle.event_type_code =
THEN (aca.amount * -1)
ELSE aca.amount
) requestor_qty_inv,
NULL appr_date_unitprice, NULL doc_seq_revamt,
NULL acct_class, NULL PERCENT,
DECODE (ael.entered_dr, NULL, 0, ael.entered_dr)
- DECODE (ael.entered_cr, NULL, 0, ael.entered_cr) amount,
DECODE (ael.accounted_dr,
NULL, 0,
- DECODE (ael.accounted_cr, NULL, 0, ael.accounted_cr)
FROM xla_ae_headers aeh,
xla_ae_lines ael,
xla_events xle,
xla.xla_transaction_entities ent,
xla_distribution_links xdl,
ap_checks_all aca,
ap_payment_hist_dists aphd,
ap_payment_history_all aph
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ael.application_id = aeh.application_id
AND ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
AND xle.application_id = aeh.application_id
AND xle.event_id = aeh.event_id
AND ent.application_id = xle.application_id
AND ent.entity_id = xle.entity_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
AND xdl.ae_line_num = ael.ae_line_num
AND aphd.payment_hist_dist_id = xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
AND xdl.source_distribution_type = 'AP_PMT_DIST'
AND ent.transaction_number = aca.check_number
AND xdl.application_id = 200
AND aphd.payment_history_id = aph.payment_history_id
AND aph.check_id = aca.check_id
AND ael.ae_header_id = p_hdrid
AND ael.ae_line_num = p_linenum;
TO_CHAR (aca.check_number) invoice_num,
TO_CHAR (aca.check_date) invoice_date,
xle.event_type_code ponum_inv_linenum,
ael.currency_code line_desc,
WHEN xle.event_type_code =
THEN (aca.amount * -1)
ELSE aca.amount
) requestor_qty_inv,
NULL appr_date_unitprice, NULL doc_seq_revamt,
NULL acct_class, NULL PERCENT,
DECODE (ael.entered_dr, NULL, 0, ael.entered_dr)
- DECODE (ael.entered_cr, NULL, 0, ael.entered_cr) amount,
DECODE (ael.accounted_dr,
NULL, 0,
- DECODE (ael.accounted_cr, NULL, 0, ael.accounted_cr)
FROM xla_ae_headers aeh,
xla_ae_lines ael,
xla_events xle,
xla.xla_transaction_entities ent,
xla_distribution_links xdl,
ap_checks_all aca,
ap_payment_hist_dists aphd,
ap_payment_history_all aph
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ael.application_id = aeh.application_id
AND ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
AND xle.application_id = aeh.application_id
AND xle.event_id = aeh.event_id
AND ent.application_id = xle.application_id
AND ent.entity_id = xle.entity_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
AND xdl.ae_line_num = ael.ae_line_num
AND aphd.payment_hist_dist_id = xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
AND xdl.source_distribution_type = 'AP_PMT_DIST'
AND ent.transaction_number = aca.check_number
AND xdl.application_id = 200
AND aphd.payment_history_id = aph.payment_history_id
AND aph.check_id = aca.check_id
AND ael.ae_header_id = p_hdrid
AND ael.ae_line_num = p_linenum;