During month close an error with invoices/receipts/transactions "FUN_INTER_PAY_NOT_VALID" is a blocker for the close. When this error occurs for AR, follow below steps to identify and fix this issue.
Step 1: Execute below query and identify the transaction that is causing the issue.
Step 1: Execute below query and identify the transaction that is causing the issue.
SELECT xlt.source_id_int_1 ID, xlt.security_id_int_1 org_id, xe.event_id,
xe.event_type_code, xe.event_status_code, xe.process_status_code,
FROM apps.xla_events xe,
xla.xla_transaction_entities xlt,
apps.xla_accounting_errors xae
WHERE xe.entity_id = xlt.entity_id
AND xe.application_id = xlt.application_id
AND xlt.source_application_id = 222 -- Change Value to 200 for AP
--AND xlt.ledger_id = 12010
--AND xe.event_date between to_date('01-APR-2016','DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('30-APR-2016','DD-MON-YYYY')
Note: ID is the customer_trx_id if the event is invoice, ID is cash_receipt_id if the event is receipt.
Step3: Go to Accounting Setups > Accounting Options > SOB > Intercompany Accounts
Identify the Balancing segment value and replace the transaction balancing segment. Then make sure the GL string (replaced) and values are active and enabled.
Step4: Enable the code combination or values that are end dated/inactive. Now you will be able to account the transaction.
Step5: Run Submit Accounting [ Or create Accounting in case of AP]. Make sure the create accounting program completes successfully. Also run the query mentioned in Step1 and make sure the records is not fetching.
--AND xe.event_date between to_date('01-APR-2016','DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('30-APR-2016','DD-MON-YYYY')
AND xe.process_status_code <> 'P'
AND xe.event_status_code <> 'P'
AND xe.event_id = xae.event_id
ORDER BY xe.event_date, xe.event_id;
Note: ID is the customer_trx_id if the event is invoice, ID is cash_receipt_id if the event is receipt.
Step 2: Query the transaction and find the GL strings that is being used. Make sure the code combination is active, and the individual values are active and enabled.
Identify the Balancing segment value and replace the transaction balancing segment. Then make sure the GL string (replaced) and values are active and enabled.
Step4: Enable the code combination or values that are end dated/inactive. Now you will be able to account the transaction.
Step5: Run Submit Accounting [ Or create Accounting in case of AP]. Make sure the create accounting program completes successfully. Also run the query mentioned in Step1 and make sure the records is not fetching.